You have been asked to take on a leadership role. Now what?
The transition into leadership can seem daunting, but don’t let yourself become overwhelmed. If you have been asked to lead that means others recognize your potential and believe you are the best person for the job. There will be adjustments, and things may get a little awkward before they get better, but you can rock this transition!
As you transition into leadership, here are some pointers to remember.
You will make mistakes.
Mistakes are inevitable. We are all human. For example, you may delegate the wrong task to the wrong person or you may say the wrong thing in a meeting, but don’t let that stop you from making progress. What’s important is that you own your mistakes, rectify the situation, and keep moving. Learning from mistakes is a crucial step in learning how to be a great leader.
You will not have all the answers.
A common misconception is that leaders should have all the answers, but that is untrue and unrealistic. Understanding that it is okay to not have all the answers will make your transition into leadership exponentially less stressful. Do your due diligence to be knowledgeable about your field and your role, but if you are asked a question you do not have an answer for, it is acceptable to say, “I do not have an answer right now, but I will find one and get back to you soon.” Having the confidence to admit you do not have all the answers shows humility and a willingness to learn, which also sets a great example for those around you.
It will not be an overnight transformation.
While your responsibilities or job title may change overnight, your transition into leadership will not. It will take time for both you and those you are leading to adjust. As you learn your new role, learn about those around you. It will take some time to get used to each other and figure out the best way to work together.
As you transition into your new leadership role, it’s easy to be nervous. Chances are, however, that you have already been leading, just without a formal title. Throughout your leadership journey, read books and articles focused on growing as a leader invest in yourself and your development and seek mentoring.