According to a 2016 study performed by Jobvite, nearly 90% of recruiters find their candidates’ LinkedIn profiles during the hiring process. This means that how you present yourself on your profile matters heavily. How is your online presence looking? Take a look at our top 4 tips you can implement to improve your LinkedIn profile and enhance the possibility of landing your dream job today.


Optimize Your Headline

Your headline is a 10 second snapshot of you. It determines if the audience will continue reading the rest of your profile. Let’s take a step back and put yourself in the recruiter’s shoes. Which headline sounds more exciting and interesting? “Finance Associate at Finance Warehouse” or “Finance Professional at Finance Warehouse | Problem-Solver | Corporate Budget Expert | 2-Time Associate of the Year Award-Winner”? While you want to make it interesting, make sure you remain honest and concise.

Another crucial aspect of headlines is including keywords. Like everything on the internet, your LinkedIn profile can be found simply by googling and search words. Keywords are the words that an internet user types into a search engine to find websites that match their search. Be careful of too much of a good thing. While keywords are great to include, don’t overload your headline to make it look like you are trying too hard.


Include a Profile Picture

A profile picture is the first virtual impression a recruiter has of you. They are seeing if you are professional and get a sense of your personality. Check out this article by Forbes for more insight on why a profile picture is vital to a positive recruitment experience.

While your profile picture doesn’t have to be from a professional photo shoot, it does need to be of only you, clear and well-lit, appropriate clothing for your industry, cropped where your face is clearly visible. Even just throwing on a business outfit and taking a self-timer picture (note: NOT a selfie) in a clear area of your backyard can work.


Elevate Your About Section

If a recruiter has continued past your profile picture and headline, they’re next going to read through the summary in your About section. Remember, your summary is exactly that: a summary of your abilities and accomplishments. Ideally, it should take a recruiter less than 30 seconds to take in your summary and decide if they want to move onto the rest of your profile.

The fun part about the About section is that you can show off your personality. Make sure to highlight your recent background, as well as any notable skills and accomplishments you have. Don’t be afraid to use (very!) light humor and share an appropriate amount of information about your personal life. While you need to be professional, recruiters are still looking for a candidate that can connect. Again, this is a great section to utilize keywords.


Be Accurate

Lastly, please ensure that your LinkedIn profile is accurate. While not every job title or bullet point of your resume must be used in the Experience section on your LinkedIn profile or vice versa, be certain that everything listed is accurate and does not contradict what is written on the other item. This shouldn’t be a problem if you are fully transparent on your application materials, but sadly must be said due to common intentional inaccuracies. Recruiters will look through your Experiences section and notice if there are any discrepancies between your LinkedIn profile and resume. Do not get taken out of the hiring process because of dishonesty.


While creating an amazing LinkedIn profile may feel daunting, by focusing your efforts on these four key pieces, you will be on your way to impressing your audience.




About Debi

Debi is a coach to high performers, leaders and business owners wanting to achieve more and grow beyond what they believe is possible. Known for her clarifying insight and a pragmatic approach, Debi brings her clients to the next step by asking the right questions during strategy development and supporting them during strategy implementation. With experience in management, recruitment and employee development for various industries, she has a wide scope of expertise and will confidently guide you towards a successful future in your career.

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Let’s chat. Schedule a call to discuss innovative solutions to your specific needs.





First and foremost, congratulations! There are few moments in one’s professional life more exciting, invigorating, and (slightly) intimidating about landing THE position. The moment you become a leader at your dream company, it’s time to consider dynamics, communication, and next steps. Read on to hear our tips on how to thrive as a newly appointed leader in your organization.


Employee Dynamics

 Unfortunately, if you have worked for your company for a bit, and were then granted a promotion to this position, there is potential for jealousy from other candidates who did not receive the position. Especially if you are now the leader of the team you were previously a member of. Do not be intimidated. But also, be aware of your own behavior and how you could unknowingly be encouraging this jealousy. While you may have a new title and responsibilities, you are just as human and imperfect as everybody else.

To combat the potential for unhappy employees, implement a servant-leader style of leadership. It is YOUR mission to aid your team in whatever way you can to help them accomplish their jobs efficiently. Your team members should feel comfortable approaching you with a problem and know that you will be happy to assist with working towards a solution together.


When You Don’t Have All the Answers

 However, as necessary as it is to be knowledgeable in assisting team members, delegating tasks, and communicating with higher-ups, you will reach a point in your leadership role where you have absolutely no idea what to do. Truthfully, this is the moment that will make or break who you are as a leader. If nothing else, remember that when you arrive at work, you need to leave your ego at the door. Recognize that more than likely, there is someone at the company who knows more about a subject than you do, and they would be the perfect individual to loop into the conversation. This creates a win-win situation: a resolution can be discovered, you shine as a humble leader, and cross-company collaboration occurs. Way to go!


Steps to Take Immediately

  1. Embrace the grace period. When beginning a new position, no one expects you to know everything. Take advantage of this time. Ask questions, make mistakes, and most importantly, learn.
  2. Set your goals. When you don’t know where you are trying to go, it’s hard to get moving. Begin outlining what measurable steps you want to take as an individual and a team to accomplish specified tasks. This provides a vision and structure to lean on and follow, especially while just getting started.
  3. Book the one-on-ones. And the sooner, the better. Having individual time with each employee offers you time to catch up on what they’ve been working on, as well as have conversations about where you’d like them to go. These conversations are especially important if your previous teammates are now your direct reports. These meetings establish the tone of your new relationship, as well as provide time for any questions or concerns they may have moving forward.
  4. And most importantly….celebrate! It is okay to feel proud of your new accomplishment. Embrace the excitement and praise. You earned Call your friends to share the news, go out to dinner, pop some champagne. Be proud of yourself!



About Debi

Debi is a coach to high performers, leaders and business owners wanting to achieve more and grow beyond what they believe is possible. Known for her clarifying insight and a pragmatic approach, Debi brings her clients to the next step by asking the right questions during strategy development and supporting them during strategy implementation. With experience in management, recruitment and employee development for various industries, she has a wide scope of expertise and will confidently guide you towards a successful future in your career.

Ready to take your career to the next level? 

Let’s chat. Schedule a  call to discuss innovative solutions to your specific needs.