You aren’t enjoying your job. But, you have been told so many times that you don’t quit your job until you have another one lined up. If you are trying to figure out your next step, follow these guidelines to determine if quitting before you have plan B is a good idea.


If you have an established network that can help you locate another job quickly, you might be in luck. This means you know a dozen people you can reach out tomorrow that could connect you to your next position. In order to do this efficiently, you may want to put a few feelers out there now.

If you saved enough money to get by for a few months, you may have more options available. This allows you to find a job that’s the right fit. If you have backup income, even better.

If your job is affecting your health, pay attention to it. Signs of anxiety or panic attacks may not be worth the paycheck. Before you quit on a whim, however, look at your options. Check to see if your employer has EAP or leave policies that would give you a chance to collect your thoughts. If you have already tried that, however, you may want to start packing those boxes.


If you have no idea what you would do next or you think you will figure it all out once you give notice, you aren’t ready. You may get yourself stuck in the exact situation you are in right now. If you haven’t examined your options, such as talking to your manager about your career path or talking to HR about your situation, you really haven’t tried to fix anything.

When you haven’t saved enough and live pay check, you will be so side tracked in finding money to just pay the bills. You will not able to focus on finding a job you enjoy. Keep in mind when you start a new job, it may take some time for the new paycheck to arrive depending on payroll cycles.

Quitting your job is not an easy decision. Analyzing it from this standpoint can help you decide if you are ready to move forward without a backup plan.