You have the perfect job. Perfect co-workers. The perfect boss. Then, one day, everything changes. Your supervisor is leaving the company and you will need to adjust to a new one. Getting a new manager at work has its challenges, but it does have great opportunities for you too.

First Steps

Get to know your new manager. What are the expectations and communication style? Don’t wait for a meeting planner to get to know your new boss. Proactively schedule time with him or her to go over some of your questions.

Good questions to ask during this meeting include:

  • How will you measure my success?
  • What methods of communication would you appreciate from me?
  • What are your goals for the department?

Accept Changes

Understand there may be more changes coming ahead. A department restructure or new job duties may accompany a new boss. It’s easy to bemoan these changes, but that negativity will get you nowhere. Instead, ask questions and try to understand things from their perspective.

Starting Fresh  

This truly can be the opportunity your career needs. Is there something new you want to try or do you want to reposition yourself within the organization? This may be your chance. Establish yourself as a team player and express your career goals. Demonstrate flexibility in working on various projects.


The best thing smart employees do in this situation is to let go of the past. Keep moving forward in your own career. The only way to do that is to embrace change and be open to new opportunities.