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A collection of tips, articles, and resources for learning and growing.

How Do YOU Handle No?
It’s a strong word for anyone during their career. NO is a setback; one that has the power to change your perspective of your career goals. However, it doesn’t have to end that way. You can harness NO and use it as a vehicle for success…

LinkedIn: Useful for Everyone
LinkedIn is pretty much a given now, thanks to the importance of social media for companies, as well as those who are professionals or looking for a new job. Even though LinkedIn is important, there are some ways to use it that are most effective.

The Mock Interview Experience
A career coach can be many things to many different people, but the best part is having someone who can help you solve new problems in your career, job search, or any other topic. It’s important to have someone in your corner who can…

Is Your Job Search Working for You – or Against You?
Job searches are rarely fun. The endless amount of job applications, interviews, and dashed hopes is discouraging for many of us. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, “The definition of insanity…

Stating Your Starting Salary in an Interview
You are sitting in an interview and you are really feeling the vibe from the manager and from the company. You start thinking that this job is going to be offered to you. Then, the dreaded question comes up. What starting salary are you looking…

Role of an Employee Handbook
Depending on the size of your business and how long you have been in operation, you may or may not have an employee handbook. No matter what your company size, implementing a handbook is a good business practice if you don’t already have…

When You are Leading the Interview
It happens to everyone. If it hasn’t happened to you yet, it will. Some leaders and managers are great at their jobs, but stink at interviewing for key talent. As a candidate, an unskilled interviewer can set you up for a disadvantage if you…

How to Stand Out in Your Job Search with Social Media
As a job seeker, you are most likely already following the standard advice: clean up your Facebook posts, rework your resume, and attend networking opportunities. However, even if you are not looking for social media as a career, it is beneficial…

5 Easy Ways to Make Employees Happy and Increase Engagement
It’s no secret that the most successful businesses have engaged employees. Engaged employees are generally more satisfied and overall happier with their jobs. A question often posed is, “How do I make my employees happier at work?” Just…

Meet Your New Boss
You have the perfect job. Perfect co-workers. The perfect boss. Then, one day, everything changes. Your supervisor is leaving the company and you will need to adjust to a new one. Getting a new manager at work has its challenges, but it does…

Building a Leadership Culture
If you ask 15 people what leadership is, you will probably receive 15 different responses. We all know what it looks like when we see it. Leaders inspire and motivate us.
There may be strong leaders among the mix of your employees that you…

Get Back on Track with Your Career Goals
You set your New Year's resolutions. It is now July 1. How’s those resolutions coming along? If you lost focus on your career goal, you aren’t alone. Many people loose site of their New Year’s Resolutions by mid-February. Maybe…

The Definition of Success
Success is defined in the dictionary as the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. Seems straightforward, doesn’t it? We all want it. However, it can be such a tricky word and so hard to reach.
If you ask several people what success means…

Is Fear and Ego Holding You Back?
When I was in college, I was part of an internship program that gave me the opportunity to work with a career coach on resume building and interview skills. The best part: it was FREE. You would think that would be a no-brainer decision.…

Looking at Internships Differently
Internships provide real world experience to gain the skills needed to enter a particular career field. Several movies have come out featuring internships as a main story line. They usually feature interns we don’t typically think about.…

Negotiating the Salary YOU Want
I came across an interesting statistic published by AON. It was discovered 54% of US women feel they are “paid fairly for the work they do” vs 65% of US men. There may be various reasons behind this statistic, but negotiating your salary…

Top 5 Reasons to Use a Career Coach
There may be several times in your career when working with a career coach would be beneficial. Perhaps you are looking for your first job and need some pointers. Or you don’t enjoy your current work and want to explore a change.

Working with a Career Coach
A career coach supports and encourages clients on their careers. With guidance from a career coach, a client sets clear professional goals, establishes a plan and receives assistance on executing the plan. These clients could be seeking help…
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Contact UsAbout
Debi is a traveler and a dog lover. She strives to guide clients to embrace their strengths and guide them on the steps to success.