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A collection of tips, articles, and resources for learning and growing.

5 Ways to Engage Employees During a Culture Change
Bringing about a culture change in your company can be a challenging process. People, just like an organization, are complex and the difficulty of changing habits and set thought patterns can be difficult. You know this personally if you’ve…

Is Your Company Culture Healthy? 5 Signs It's Time For Change
“Corporate culture matters. How management chooses to treat its people impacts everything - for better or for worse.” - Simon Sinek
The quote above from the leadership guru Simon Sinek is a testimony to the importance of a company’s culture.…

Discovering Your Personal Leadership Style
Everyone has a leader inside of them. Don’t believe me? At some point in time, you probably have found yourself in a position to make decisions for other people. It could have been at a large gathering, at work, or even at home with your family.…

Your Leadership Style Impacts the Team
In the workplace, you are and will continue to be exposed to different leadership styles. Just as every person is unique, so is their leadership style. But, before we learn about the most common styles of leadership, let’s take a step back…

When It Really Is Your Fault
Your eyes are wide and your palms are sweating. Oh no, I really messed up this time. How am I going to recover from this?
We’ve all had these moments in the workplace. There’s an accidental oversight, a miscommunication, or a flat-out…

Show Your Employees Some Love
It’s that time of year again, folks! Whether you dread or wait on pins and needles for it, Valentine’s Day is on the horizon. A holiday traditionally meant for romantic festivities between partners, Valentine’s Day has now expanded into…

Navigating Transparent Leadership
As a leader, you are an information gatekeeper in your organization. Sounds intense, doesn’t it? You know the financial situation, company updates, and potential opportunities far before your team does. But isn’t it important to be transparent…

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
As a leader, you can have every technical skill in the world, but if you are lacking emotional intelligence, you will struggle to communicate properly with your team. While that may sound daunting, don’t worry, let’s walk through what emotional…

Ditching the New Year’s Resolution for Annual Intentions
“Wait, what? You mean to say I shouldn’t be setting New Year’s resolutions?”
Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? As we end each year, it’s common practice to begin thinking about the changes you want to make next year. You’re going to…

Burn Out in the C-Suite
All too often I work with a client who dreams of walking into the C-Suite for the first time as a Chief ________ Officer. A beautiful office, leadership of a whole team, and the glory of being in charge. But then, a year or two later, they let…

An Attitude of Gratitude
I don’t know about you, but this year, here and there, I’ve experienced moments where I’ve wanted nothing more than to throw myself a pity party. Plans had to be canceled, a personal disappointment occurred, or I was simply having a bad…

Above the Drama
For as long as there has been work, there has been work drama. Gossip around the water cooler, instant messages back and forth, whispers in the hallway. No matter how you spin it, we love to hear the latest story flying through the rumor mill.…

4 Easy Steps You Can Take to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile
According to a 2016 study performed by Jobvite, nearly 90% of recruiters find their candidates’ LinkedIn profiles during the hiring process. This means that how you present yourself on your profile matters heavily. How is your online…

I Landed the Position – Now What?
First and foremost, congratulations! There are few moments in one’s professional life more exciting, invigorating, and (slightly) intimidating about landing THE position. The moment you become a leader at your dream company, it’s…

Power vs. Influence
From James C. Hunter’s book The Servant:
“[Power is] the ability to force or coerce someone to do your will, even if they would choose not to, because of your position or your might. Authority is about getting people to do what you want…

Creating Your Personal Brand
When reading the word “brand”, what comes to mind? Is it your favorite company to shop from? The logo for a fast food restaurant? Have you ever considered that you too have your own brand? That’s right, your personal brand.

Diversity of Thought in the Workplace
When considering diversity in the workplace, the first thought that may come to mind is someone’s appearance, simply because that is the quickest indicator of difference between individuals. However, while appearance-based diversity should…

What Does Authentic Leadership Look Like?
As leaders, we often forget who our most effective instructors in business leadership were. Although we would hate to admit it, many first lessons we received on how to (or really, how not to) lead come from Hollywood. That’s right. Films…

Cultivating Innovation in the Workplace
As a leader, one of the best decisions you can make is welcoming change in the workplace. Often thought of as a buzzword, innovation truly is the key to unlocking productivity in your organization. Here are our top tips for cultivating an innovative…
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Debi is a traveler and a dog lover. She strives to guide clients to embrace their strengths and guide them on the steps to success.