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A collection of tips, articles, and resources for learning and growing.

Is There Such a Thing as Work-Life Balance?
The fight to achieve a work-life balance has only increased through the decades. Historically, baby boomers grew up witnessing their parents go to massive lengths to make a simple living. Growing up in years of global instability, these individuals,…

The 6 Habits Successful People Do Before 6am
We all hear about the accomplishments of executives and picture a rigorous, caffeinated, and meeting-filled day beginning the moment they rise until the second their heads hit the pillow. In a study performed by Vanderkam, 90% of executives…

Maintaining Morale During Adversity
What week of social distancing is it? Week 7? 8? 25? When quarantine first began, it was frightening. Some people will not return to work for awhile. Others were asked to come back a couple of weeks ago. And then there are others that unfortunately…

Successfully Navigating an Interview
You’ve accomplished the hardest step of the job application process and you only get once to make a first impression.

Leading in Uncertain Times
It’s no secret that unless you are in the toilet paper industry, business during the current climate is struggling. It seems like every day a friend or former colleague is sharing that they’ve had their salary cut, been furloughed, or even…

Making Your Employees Feel Valued
The role of a manager is to create a positive, productive environment that serves and supports team members. It doesn’t need extraordinary effort or expense. The little extra time it takes makes the results worth it.
Here are some simple…

Top Tips to Becoming a Better Leader
Being a an effective, inspiring and well-respected leader isn’t easy. There are actionable ways you can be a better leader for your people and company. While some of these tips may serve as important reminders, others you may never have…

Need More Optimism in Your Life? Read On.
Is the water in your glass half-full or half-empty? It’s as full as you believe it to be. Your perceptions impact the way you interact with the world around you and determine if you are an optimist or a pessimist.
Did you know you can…

Don't Let Sunday Scare You
No matter how much you love your job, you have probably experienced a version of the infamous Sunday Scaries. The feeling that Sunday doesn’t really belong to you and you start your countdown to Monday.
According to a LinkedIn survey,…

Top Questions to Ask in an Informational Interview
An informational interview is not a job interview. It is a way to get a clear visual of an industry, company, or position to determine if it's right for you. When you request an informational interview with someone, it means you are willing…

Making a Career Transition Requiring Experience Without the Experience
Whether you want to try something new or developed a passion in a different area than your current career, you may be wondering to yourself, “How do others make this leap?” It’s easy to get frustrated after you receive several letters…

Dealing with a Career Identity Crisis
In the past, a career was static, and it was a stable part of your identity. But times have changed and if is more like this:
“Hi, I’m Molly and I have an undergrad in political science, worked at a tech start up for a couple…

ROI of Career Coaching
Career coaching is an investment — of your time, money and energy. Is it worth it? How are you able to determine the return on your investment? While the exact figure varies from person to person, if you put in the work, career…

Supporting Your Child Through Their Career Struggles
When your child is in pain, you feel it. Watching from the sidelines as your child is struggling with their career can be frustrating. On top of that, it can be painful to watch your child wrestle with self-confidence or self-imposed pressure.…

Unleash Your Inner Leader
There are 5 key skills I work on with clients in leadership development. Although they are straightforward concepts, it takes a lot of practice to make these skills natural.
Ask For HelpYou often offer help to others but may rarely…

Ready to Start a Business? 5 Key Things to Know First
When you're getting into business, everything looks shiny and new. A start-up offers a lot of exciting opportunities and gives you a focal point in your work-related life, but there are a lot of details to get right, too. These details…

Executive Presence: What is It and How to Get It?
Sometimes it feels like there is a lot going against you when you're looking to climb higher on the corporate ladder. The good news is that it is possible if you know the proper tools to put into place to make it happen. The best tool? …

Keeping Power in Perspective
Becoming a new leader or manager can be an ego boost, but that ego can get out of hand if not self-managed. There are some basic strategies leaders can use for keeping power in perspective.
Keeping it Authentic
You were hired…

Leading A Cross-Functional Team
Leading a team is a challenging task, but have you led a cross-functional team? The challenges of leading a team of individuals from a cross-section of your company are manifold. But so are the advantages. Since cross-functional teams are,…
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Contact UsAbout
Debi is a traveler and a dog lover. She strives to guide clients to embrace their strengths and guide them on the steps to success.